06 30 583 2940

Make it simplier on schedule

Wall painting

Wood and metal paintworks

Wall papering

Why to choose me?


Meeting your requirements with patience during the whole work.

Help in choosing the right paint and material to work with:

On our projects we would like to help you with optimal solutions, taking “good value for money” into account. Durability is also important for us.

Price Calculator

Using the price calculator on the website can help you make the planning process faster and calculate the budget cap as well.

Correct billing at the end of project with guarantee.

If you are happy with our references please contact us.




Wall paiting interior, exterior

Whether a simple interior painting which can include two-tone paint finishes, accent walls, reparing of wall cracks, cabinet repainting or plaster work we offer you solutions for every need. Exterior painting includes flats, facades and more. We endeavor to make this process as easy as possible for you. You can count on us to adapt to your specific needs and to complete the job on schedule.

Wood and metal paintworks

How To Paint Your Door And Window Frames?

First, determine what materials the frames are made of. This will help you identify the proper tools and the proper paint needed for the job. Door frames are often made from wood, vinyl, aluminum, or even fiberglass. From preparing the surfaces for painting to the last steps by applying the right paint.

Wall papering

Internal wallpaper is the perfect chance to embrace your space. With a huge range of styles so you can really put your personality into every room. We’ve got tips, tricks, and inspiration to help you make your home the perfect place to be! We also provide help in choosing the right wallpaper too.

Contact us

A typical interior wall painting work with filling of wall cracks and separation of colors.
